Results for 'Rosemary Rp Lerner'

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  1. The Cartesian Meditations; Foundational Discourse: An Obsolete Project?Rosemary Rp Lerner - 2011 - The New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy 10 (1):145-165.
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    Emotions, Science, and Generativity. A Husserlian Perspective.Rosemary Jane Rizo-Patrón de Lerner - 2024 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 9:187-225.
    Los análisis husserlianos estáticos y genéticos de ciertos temas son primero tomados como hilos conductores para una aproximación generativa del concepto husserliano de ciencia. La justificación de la comprensión de las tres aproximaciones como esencialmente entrelazadas y correlativas, se inspira en las expresiones de la Crisis de Husserl—“nos hallamos en una suerte de círculo, y no hay otra elección que la de avanzar y retroceder en zigzag.” La aproximación estática a la reducción fenomenológica hacia las estructuras, funciones y modo de (...)
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    Hegel and Husserl on Phenomenology, Logic, and the System of Sciences: A Reappraisal.Rosemary R. P. Lerner - 2023 - Husserl Studies 39 (3):301-330.
    Husserl envisages transcendental phenomenology as a radically founding science that lays bare the higher-order experiences whereby logic and a theory of science become constituted. On the other hand, according to a usual presentation of Hegel’s philosophy, phenomenology is “logic’s precondition,” and science presents itself as its “result.” This alleged precedence of Hegel’s phenomenology (with its experiential and historical horizons) regarding logic may be a motif behind the current affinities recently traced between Hegelian and Husserlian notions of phenomenology that highlight their (...)
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    El pensamiento de Husserl en la reflexión filosófica contemporánea.Rosemary Rizo-Patrón de Lerner (ed.) - 1993 - Lima, Perú: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Departamento de Humanidades, Instituto Riva-Agüero.
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    The Cartesian Meditations’ Foundational Discourse.Rosemary R. P. Lerner - 2010 - New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy 10 (1):145-165.
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    The Ethical Dimension of Transcendental Reduction.Rosemary Lerner - 2017 - In Véronique M. Fóti & Pavlos Kontos, Phenomenology and the Primacy of the Political: Essays in Honor of Jacques Taminiaux. Cham: Springer. Translated by R.P. Lerner Rosemary.
    This chapter offered in hommage to Jacques Taminiaux’s long and fruitful career reflecting on ontological, political, and aesthetic issues, starts following the lead of his reading of Heidegger’s interpretation of these issues, as following the same “Platonic filiation” as in most of German Idealism’s representatives. Namely, Heidegger seems to interpret praxis beyond all relation to interaction and interlocution, but also that his revaluation of the role of art in politics is because he confers the utmost importance upon poiêsis as an (...)
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    Crisis pandémica: fenomenologia husserliana y el llamado a la responsabilidad.Rosemary R. P. de Lerner - 2023 - ARGUMENTOS - Revista de Filosofia 29:11-26.
    Este trabajo intenta iluminar desde un punto de vista fenomenológico las crisis ecológicas que han afectado a nuestro planeta y al mundo circundante de la vida en el siglo veintiuno, y en particular, la devastadora pandemia global que se desató el año 2020. Primero abordo ciertos aspectos histórico-críticos que preceden a la pandemia del 2020, y que se relacionan a la visión mecanicista moderna en las ciencias y la cultura. Luego, situada en la actitud natural, parto de esta ecocrisis actual (...)
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    Between conflict and reconciliation: the hard truth.Rosemary R. P. Lerner - 2007 - Human Studies 30 (2):115-130.
    In the context of the fairly recent Truth and Reconciliation Commissions (TRC), I examine phenomenologically the nature of truth as the essential condition for overcoming social and political conflicts, and as an instrument for enforcing so-called “transitional justice” periods and promoting reconciliation. I also briefly approach the limits of this truth’s possibility of being recognized, if its evaluative and practical dimensions and its appeal to an “intelligence of emotions” do not prevail over its merely theoretical claims. Though not expounding Schutz’s (...)
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    Génesis de las Investigaciones lógicas de Husserl: Una obra de irrupción.Rosemary Rizzo Patrón de Lerner - 2002 - Signos Filosóficos 7:221-244.
    The intentionality is a key concept in Husserl’s phenomenology, by means of which comes out to the light the proverbial tension between the modern tradition and the ‘thing self’. Conscious of the risk of reexaminating a topic that it has already been object of innumerables interpretations, the au..
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    Husserl’s Breakthrough Revisited.Rosemary R. P. Lerner - 2002 - Études Phénoménologiques 18 (35):71-98.
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    Husserl versus Neo-Kantianism Revisited.Rosemary R. P. Lerner - 2004 - New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy 4:173-208.
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    El pensamiento de Husserl en la reflexión filosófica contemporánea.Rosemary Rizo-Patrón de Lerner (ed.) - 1993 - Lima, Perú: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Departamento de Humanidades, Instituto Riva-Agüero.
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    La razón y sus fines: elementos para una antropología filosófica en Kant, Husserl y Horkheimer.Rosemary Rizo-Patrón de Lerner, Vázquez Lobeiras & María Jesús (eds.) - 2013 - Hildesheim: Georg Olms Verlag.
  14.  22
    Reconsiderando la relación entre naturaleza y espíritu.Rosemary Rizo Patrón de Lerner - 2021 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 6:265.
    La siguiente reflexión interroga en qué sentido puede todavía hacerse valer hoy la distinción entre ciencias naturales y ciencias de la cultura reconsiderando dicha distinción en el marco de la fenomenología husserliana. Se indaga si ella refleja un “hiato en la cultura” irreversible e infranqueable —heredado del dualismo cartesiano, la crítica kantiana, el positivismo naturalista y la reivindicación neokantiana de las ciencias del espíritu— o si más bien no puede concebirse un suelo común como fuente última de su sentido y (...)
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    (1 other version)Cristóbal Balbontín. Levinas o la posibilidad de un republicanismo libertario. Berlin: Peter Lang, 2021, 208pp. [REVIEW]Rosemary Rizo-Patrón de Lerner - 2022 - Areté. Revista de Filosofía 34 (2):549-555.
    Reseña de Cristóbal Balbontín. Levinas o la posibilidad de un republicanismo libertario. Berlin: Peter Lang, 2021, 208pp.
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    La agonía de la razón: reflexiones desde la fenomenología práctica.Rosemary Rizo-Patrón de Lerner - 2015 - Barcelona: Anthropos Editorial.
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    Entre el conflicto y la reconciliación : la difícil verdad.Rosemary Rizo-Patrón de Lerner - 2010 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 7:151.
    En esta contribución propongo una aproximación fenomenológica a la naturaleza de la verdad en el contexto de las recientes Comisiones de la Verdad y la Reconciliación, como la conditio sine qua non de la transición entre situaciones de conflicto social y político y de reconciliación, y por ende como un presupuesto esencial e instrumento concomitante para la aplicación de los denominados períodos de "justicia transicional" recomendados por estas comisiones. También me aproximo brevemente a los límites de la posibilidad que esta (...)
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    El ideal de humanidad y las humanidades. Dialogando con Kant, Fichte y Husserl.Rosemary Rizo-Patrón de Lerner - 2021 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 7:303.
    El papel de filosofía y humanidades en forjar un “ideal de humanidad” se refiere no sólo a las difíciles relaciones que éstas tradicionalmente han tenido con los poderes mundanos, sino, sobre todo, a su papel protagónico como guías de un ideal de humanidad y valores espirituales en tiempos de crisis. Kant defendió el papel de los ideales racionales de la “facultad de filosofía” a fines del s. XVIII, ante la teología, el derecho y la medicina. La reflexión de Fichte cuando (...)
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    La responsabilidad como fundamento último de la filosofía.Rosemary Rizo Patrón de Lerner - 2014 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 4:331.
    Frecuentemente se ha señalado a la fenomenología de Husserl como una "filosofía de la fundación última y radical auto-responsabilidad." Aquí, sin embargo, examinaremos qué sentido puede tener hablar de "fundación última" y "auto-responsabilidad radical" en filosofía. La "idea de la filosofía" que propone Husserl como una "ciencia universal y rigurosa" de "fundación última" ha sido malinterpretada por sus críticos contemporáneos, que no han prestado atención a su aclaración que esta idea "ha de ser realizada sólo mediante valideces relativas y temporales (...)
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  20. Entre philosophie et littérature: la phénoménologie?Cesare Del Mastro, Jean Leclercq, Rosemary Rizo-Patrón de Lerner & Jorge Wiesse (eds.) - 2023 - Louvain-La-Neuve. Belgique: Presses universitaires de Louvain.
    Les livres qui proposent, en littérature, des lectures phénoménologiques et, en phénoménologie, des lectures littéraires, comme ceux qui, plus généralement en philosophie, engagent des phénoménologies de la littérature ou de l'œuvre littéraire sont aussi nombreux que ceux qui interrogent la phénoménologie et la littérature, ou la littérature et la phénoménologie. Ce volume, unique en son genre, a pris une option très spécifique, qui est une sorte de perspectivisme : interroger la position d'entre-deux du phénoménologue et, à travers lui en sa (...)
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    Rosemary rizo-patron de Lerner. "El exilio Del sujeto. Mitos modernos Y posmodernos". Lima, editorial aula de humanidades/pontificia universidad católica Del perú, 2015, 506 pp. [REVIEW]Roberto J. Walton - 2021 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 12:321.
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    Edmund Husserl’s Cartesian Meditations: Commentary, Interpretations, Discussions.Daniele De Santis (ed.) - 2023 - Verlag Karl Alber.
    Dieses Buch bietet die erste systematische Diskussion von Husserls Cartesianischen Meditationen. Beginnend mit einem Kommentar zum Text der fünf Meditationen werden in den hier veröffentlichten Aufsätzen einige der wichtigsten Begriffe der Husserlschen Philosophie untersucht und geklärt: Intentionalität, Synthese, Evidenz, Intersubjektivität. Darüber hinaus bietet das Buch die erste Diskussion von Husserls später Version der Transzendentalphilosophie und ihrer Relevanz für zeitgenössische Debatten in der kontinentalen und analytischen Philosophie. Mit Beiträgen von Andreea Smaranda Aldea | Lilian Alweiss | Stefano Bancalari | Jakub Čapek (...)
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    (2 other versions)New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy X (2010).Burt Hopkins & John Drummond - 2001 - Acumen Publishing.
    CONTENTS: Walter Hopp: How to Think about Nonconceptual Content Jeff Yoshimi: Husserl on Psycho-Physical Laws Mark van Atten: Construction and Constitution in Mathematics Ronald Bruzina: Husserl's "Naturalism" and Genetic Phenomenology Andrea Staiti: Different Worlds and Tendency to Concordance: On Husserl's Phenomenology of Culture Rosemary R. P. Lerner : The Cartesian Meditations' Foundational Discourse: An Obsolete Project? Sebastian Luft: Lerner on Foundation, Person, and Rationality George Heffernan: The Phronimos, the Phainomena, and the Pragmata: Are We Responsible for the (...)
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    CEO Stakeholder Attitudes and Corporate Social Activity in the Fortune 500.Linda D. Lerner & Gerald E. Fryxell - 1994 - Business and Society 33 (1):58-81.
    Various corporate social activities were regressed on self-report measures of stakeholder-orientations from 220 CEOs from large Fortune 500 industrial and service firms. Overall, the relationship between who CEOs say is important and corporate activities toward those stakeholders is much weaker than anticipated. Of the expected relationships, only corporate philanthropy was positively related to CEO community orientation. The few other significant findings were less straightforward. Return on equity (ROE) of the company was related to the CEO's customer orientation rather than the (...)
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    Health care without harm: cleaning up healthcare's act. An interview with Michael Lerner. Interview by Steve Heilig.M. Lerner - 1999 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 8 (4):561.
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    Rosemary A. Joyce Ancient Bodies, Ancient Lives: Sex, Gender, and Archaeology. [REVIEW]Rosemary Barrow - 2013 - Feminist Theory 14 (2):241-242.
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    The Horns of Dilemma.Rosemary Desjardins - 1981 - Ancient Philosophy 1 (2):109-126.
  28. Transformationen des Bildungsbegriffs: zur Logik bildungstheoretischen Denkens.Rosemarie Boenicke - 2022 - Bielefeld: Transcript.
    The rise of the concept of education to the leading category of modernity initially appears as a life-world equivalent to the settings of subject philosophy and concentrates on the expansion of one's own self- and world reference. With the problematization of subject-philosophical thinking, there are corresponding shifts in meaning in the concept of education: its changes can be understood as an examination of this origin. Based on the writings of Humboldt, Hegel and Novalis, Rosemarie Boenicke shows how responsiveness and reciprocity (...)
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  29. Stephen P. Turner and Paul A. Roth, eds., The Blackwell Guide to the Philosophy of the Social Sciences Reviewed by.Berel Dov Lerner - 2003 - Philosophy in Review 23 (6):412-414.
  30. William J. Wainwright, Religion and Morality Reviewed by.Berel Dov Lerner - 2006 - Philosophy in Review 26 (2):146-148.
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    Scott A. Davison , On the Intrinsic Value of Everything . Reviewed by.Berel Dov Lerner - 2013 - Philosophy in Review 33 (6):443-445.
  32. I canti del Servo di Dio: una rilettura del Deuteroisaia.Rp Merendino - 1987 - Humanitas 42 (1):22-32.
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  33. Philosophical pre-suppositions of the founding fathers-myth and reality.Rp Mohan - 1976 - The Thomist 40 (1):1-31.
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    Dignity in nursing care: What does it mean to nursing students?Rosemary F. Mullen, Angela Kydd, Anne Fleming & Laura McMillan - 2019 - Nursing Ethics 26 (2):390-404.
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    Materialist feminism and the politics of discourse.Rosemary Hennessy - 1993 - New York: Routledge.
    Rosemary Hennessy confronts some of the impasses in materialist feminist work on rethinking `woman' as a discursively constructed subject. She argues for a theory of discourse as ideology taking into account the work of Kristeva, Foucault and Laclau.
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    Studien zur Lebenswelt der Eisenzeit: Festschrift für Rosemarie Müller.Wolf-Rüdiger Teegen, Rosemarie Cordie, Olaf Dörrer, Sabine Rieckhoff & Heiko Steuer (eds.) - 2006 - Walter de Gruyter.
    Die Beiträge des vorliegenden Bandes behandeln grundlegende Lebensbereiche der Eisenzeit aus kulturwissenschaftlicher Perspektive, u.a. Sozialordnungen, die Rolle der Frauen, Waffen und Kriegerordnungen, Werkzeug, Grabbau, Religion und Rituale, Kunst.
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  37. The criticism of metaphysics in Hegel and Nietzsche.Rp Horstmann - 1993 - Hegel-Studien 28:285-301.
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  38. The ethics of care: A feminist virtue ethics of care for healthcare practitioners.Rosemarie Tong - 1998 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 23 (2):131 – 152.
    In this paper I seek to distinguish a feminist virtue ethics of care from (1) justice ethics, (2) narrative ethics, (3) care ethics and (4) virtue ethics. I also connect this contemporary discussion of what makes a virtue ethics of care feminist to eighteenth and nineteenth century debates about male, female, and human virtue. I conclude that by focusing on issues related to gender - primarily those related to the systems, structures, and ideologies that create and sustain patterns of male (...)
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  39. Pour une édition critique de la sentence et de l'abjuration de Galilée.M. -P. Lerner - 1998 - Revue des Sciences Philosophiques Et Théologiques 82 (4):607-629.
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    Feminist Approaches To Bioethics: Theoretical Reflections And Practical Applications.Rosemarie Tong - 1997 - Westview Press.
    No other cluster of medical issues affects the genders as differently as those related to procreationcontraception, sterilization, abortion, artificial insemination, in-vitro fertilization, surrogate motherhood, and genetic screening. Rosemarie Tong s approach to feminist bioethics serves as a catalyst to bring together different feminist voices in hope of actually doing something to make gender equity a present reality rather than a mere future possibility.".
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  41. Programmatische Uberlegungen formal-strukturaler Natur zur Suche nach einer verlorenen Asthetik (Meta-Asthetik... einmal anders).Rp Born - 1985 - Conceptus: Zeitschrift Fur Philosophie 19 (46):29-38.
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  42. Vico and pedagogy session-reply.Rp Craig - 1976 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 43 (4):802-806.
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  43. Norbert N. Samuelson, Jewish Philosophy: An Historical Introduction Reviewed by.Berel Dov Lerner - 2004 - Philosophy in Review 24 (6):438-440.
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  44. Wilfrid J. Waluchow, The Dimensions of Ethics: An Introduction to Ethical Theory Reviewed by.Berel Dov Lerner - 2004 - Philosophy in Review 24 (2):136-140.
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    Averroes On Plato's Repuhlic The Text. Averroes & Ralph Lerner - 1974 - In Averroes on Plato's Republic. Ithaca [N.Y.]: Cornell University Press. pp. 1-150.
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  46. David McFarland, Guilty Robots, Happy Dogs: The Question of Alien Minds.Berel Dov Lerner - 2009 - Philosophy in Review 29 (5):363.
  47. Sefer Mashmiʻa Yeshuʻah: Sipure Tsadiḳim, Amarot Ṭehorot ..Joshua Zeeb Lerner - 2010 - Mekhon BeʼEr Yitsḥaḳ di-Ḥaside Sḳolye.
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    (1 other version)Pure Time Preference: Reply to Johansson and Rosenqvist.Rosemary Lowry & Martin Peterson - 2016 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 97 (3):442-445.
    Johansson and Rosenqvist reject our argument for the rational permissibility of pure time preferences (PTP). Johansson and Rosenqvist's main objection is that where two options, X and Y, have equal intrinsic value, there will be a reason to be indifferent between X and Y, and therefore a reason to not hold a PTP for X or Y. In this reply, we argue that if two options have equal intrinsic value, it does not follow that you have a reason to be (...)
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    Identifying Boundaries in Care: Human Immunodeficiency Virus and Men Who Have Sex with Men.Rosemary McKechnie - 1999 - In Tamara Kohn & Rosemary McKechnie, Extending the boundaries of care: medical ethics and caring practices. New York, N.Y.: Berg. pp. 21--1135.
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  50. Citation Index.Abelson Rp, A. A. Abrahamsen, A. Adelstein, P. Atnmon, J. Anderson, R. A. Anderson, H. Arendt, E. Aronson, J. L. Aronson & S. Asch - 1997 - In David Martel Johnson & Christina E. Erneling, The future of the cognitive revolution. New York: Oxford University Press.
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